The Mentoring Program is a unique personal development opportunity. It is considered by those who have taken it to be one of the most profound and potent experiences of their lives; it provides an inclusive approach to your own personal and professional expansion.
This one-on-one process is a deep coaching partnership dedicated to helping you be all that you can be. Jean Houston is a unique mentor. Her wisdom encompasses years of counseling leaders from around the world and studying the cultures who have been involved in and accomplished significant shifts in their thinking and policies. For over half a century, she has interviewed some the finest thinkers of the world discovering their secrets for a meaningful living. It comes from a lifetime of studying the mind-body-spirit connectivity in humans, and the hidden capacities of the human potential. Her work not only references the latest discoveries of science, but integrates them with her extensive knowledge of ancient and modern philosophy creating keen observations on intention, possibilities, timing and action that benefits individuals and their communities.
This background results in a perspective that recognizes the gifts that each individual carries and helps to refine them, clarify visions and create a course of action that is consistent with his or her values and goals. All of this is accomplished within the context of giving you opportunities to be an active contributor to these, the greatest transition drama that humanity has ever had.
These mentoring programs therefore activate not only a deep realization of your personal potential, but also provide insights into significant shifts in relationships to others and guidelines for meaningful participation in family, community, professional interests and intentions. In essence, you become an active player in the emerging new story of these critical times.
My Morning Mentor
My Morning Mentor
This modified version of the Athena program is highly customized and flexible
The Mentoring Programs are comprehensive. You become an expert in your own development through state-of-the-art training and practices in enhancing physical and sensory, psychological, mythic-symbolic and spiritual capacities.
The program includes: